Always remember to keep the main thing the main thing. The truth is, it’s more important to know your WHY than to know your what.
Let me explain.
It was just a few short years ago that I was building my second business. It was a mortgage company and we very quickly hit over 6 figures in under a year.
I walked away from my first business due to a bad partnership but now it was time to start over with my wife as my partner. Things grew quickly but I was dedicating all my waking hours to creating a successful business.
One day, as I was sitting in a bookstore with my son on my lap, I came to realize that I achieved my dream of giving my family everything I never had growing up.
But strangely, it didn’t feel good.
We had nice cars, a beautiful house, the ability to travel whenever and wherever we wanted to go, yet I was still unfulfilled.
I didn’t think success felt that way.
I continued analyzing this when it struck me;
I was giving my family everything I never had except for ME!
I forgot that what really mattered wasn’t STUFF, but my presence in their lives.
How could I have it all wrong?
In my pursuit of success,
I lost sight of the very things and people I was doing it for.
While I couldn’t get those years back, what I did from that day forward was up to me. It was this event than made me face the truth of why I was actually in business.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”Sometimes we get so caught up in the WHAT of business that we forget the WHY. Get clear on your why!” quote=”Sometimes we get so caught up in the what that we forget the why. Get clear on your why!” theme=”style3″]
Have you felt like you’ve lost some things along the way to success? I know how it feels but know that it’s never too late.
Let me take this time to ask you,
Why are you in business?
If you don’t know your why, then you’re missing a huge advantage in your life and business.
See, when the going gets tough, your why is what keeps you moving forward. It reminds you of your vision and mission, which are much greater than whatever challenges you face.
Your why pulls you out of the daily grind and gives you a vivid picture of what you’re working to achieve or accomplish, whether that why is for your personal gain or is for a greater impact in the world.
Your why also keeps you playing in your lane. As entrepreneurs, it’s easy to get caught up in the shiny object syndrome where you take your eyes off of what you’re currently working towards to do what’s new and exciting.
But when you lean into the true, unfiltered reasons for why you’ve created your business and what you really want to accomplish through it, you begin to see the distractions that come up and ignore them… because you’re focused on your bigger goal.
Here’s the thing…
Your Why may change over time as you change.
With my first business, my big why was to stop working for other people and have them dictate my income. Not quite world changing but it was important to me at that time because I had just gotten married with a child on the way.
Then I accomplished that and my new why was to make a lot of money to give my family everything I never had… which is how I got to my third why…
To have more freedom, fun, and financial abundance while having more time with my family.
As of today, my why does include elements of those initial reasons, but now I have a bigger, overarching purpose: To help 10,000 online entrepreneurs create highly lucrative businesses while having a thriving family life.
The first why was all about income.
Then I added influence.
Now I’ve added impact.
My current WHY is now a combination of Income, Influence & Impact.
It didn’t start there but it’s developed over time.
Now it’s your turn.
What is your why?
Please comment below and share below. I’d love to hear all about it.